69% of B2B Companies Ignore Social Media Feedback !
A majority of B2B companies are not paying enough attention to their customers’ social media activities and managing them for effective business outcomes. A recent study by Satmetrix shines some light on worldwide social media practices. Many B2B companies are just plain ignoring social media in their day to day operations. Satmetrix is the company responsible for the NetPromoter score, which measures customer satisfaction based on how likely customers are to recommend a business. It is a measurement of advocates and detractors, but it has been correlated with business success. The survey data is based on 1180 responses from businesses around the globe, who are all part of the NetPromoter.com community. This adds some extra weight to these highly negative results because it comes from a pool of companies that care deeply about customer satisfaction.
- 51% of B2B companies have no social media tracking in place at all.
- 69% for B2B companies ignore customers who provide feedback via social media – by having no process in place to respond.
- 75% of B2B companies do not measure or quantify social media.
- 56% of companies who measure social media just count the comments and followers.
- Only 4% of companies who measure social media have any form of sentiment analysis.
- 60% of businesses do not have an integrated social media strategy (either do nothing, track or follow up only).
How do these stats compare to what your B2B company does, or what you are seeing from other B2B companies you interact with? Share these stats with your followers and see which ones resonate most with them.
source: Jeffrey L. Cohen