How Social Media strenghthens Companies ! Infographic
source : Anne Herngaard
Socialcast has compiled this nice infographic that explains how social media strengthen the relationships inside the company to engage employees and consumers when creating customer relations
As we see it, social media are technologies that change the way people can interact with each other. This regards all kinds of relations, both individual and ways in which people communicate between businesses. Also social media make the distances between people shorter and allow for people to connect with each other across borders.
Engage and build trust
According to the infographic a majority of organizations are using social media tools to strengthen their team. This enhances the possibilities for knowledge sharing and engages employees with real-time information.
In relation to customer relations, the infographic stresses the point that people are more likely to recommend or buy from a brand that they follow on social media. When building a community, you built trust and as a result the value of a brand is enhanced.
In the end, the infographic sums up five steps in implementing a social media strategy. They are very basic and would need a lot more of consideration and detail if carried out, but can be good advice to start out with. Take a look yourself.