Question : Do you still know your first physical Music product (Cassette, Vinyl record, CD) you received as a gift or bought?!
We all know that the digital age has started a few years back and with the Z-generation just behind us this will get bigger & bigger. I must say digital age has a lot of adventages but how are things with the emotion side of it all?
Let's take the situation of Downloading music and compare this with the physical product of Music like a Music cassette, Vinyl record or CD. Let's try to see what the difference is by answering the following question......................
"Do you still know your first physical Music product (Cassette, Vinyl record, CD) you received as a gift or bought?!"
"Do you know the artist & album name of your first Digital Download?!"
Please let me know by sending an e-mail to : or just tweet @bartadriaansen