What Social Media Network to use for which Demographic Target Group ?

05/02/2012 14:24

With so many social networks to choose from, how are you supposed to know which one is best for your brand? The first question you should ask is, “What are my customers using?” You may be really great on Facebook, but your target demographic spends most of their time on Google+. With so many statistics out there about who is using what network, it makes your job easier in choosing which network is right for you.

Although most companies don’t have target demographics as broad as “male or female,” it is still a good place to start.

I’m trying to reach women. Where should I go?

Pinterest. The hottest network out there at the moment, Pinterest is definitely built for women. Statistics show that 58% of Pinterest users are women and the percentage of active users is likely much higher. Pinterest is known for sharing popular topics such as interior design, recipes, fashion, etc. Women are drawn to this network and the user numbers are only growing.

Facebook. While the user numbers on Facebook are pretty even (51% male and 49% female), it is shown that women drive 62% of activity on the social networking site. When it comes to commenting, liking, and participating on pages, women dominate.

Foursquare. In general, nearly 60% of Foursquare users are females. Women are more likely to use a deal or special. However, there have been days where men dominate the location-based app such as on election day. On election daythe ratio of users was actually reversed to have 58% be male. This is something to keep in mind when creating Foursquare promotions.

I want to connect with men. How can I reach them?

Google+. In July, men were leading with 66% but now statistics show that almost 70% of Google+ users are male. Google+ is an important network to have on your radar since the search integration was announced, but if you are trying to reach men, it is that much more important.

LinkedIn. The professional network is led by men with 55%. Not only that, but the men are mostly in the 35-55 age range. When it comes to B2B companies, if you are trying to target men then you should definitely be on LinkedIn.

I want to reach both men and women. Where is there an even distribution?

Twitter. Twitter is pretty much 50/50 when it comes to gender of users. If you want to reach the masses, Twitter is a gender neutral place that will help you accomplish your marketing goals.

YouTube. YouTube is also a pretty even split. Watching and posting videos are done by both men and women equally. Keep this in mind when thinking of places to share your clips.

Other Facts About Gender and Social Media

  • QR codes are mostly used by young males.
  • Males tend to seek information and women search more for sales and coupons.
  • Females are more likely to recommend a brand, product or service through a social network.
  • Women often list their interests on Facebook more than men do making it easier to target ads to them.

Besides just the distinctions between male and female social media use, it is important to remember age range, interests, etc. Do your homework before choosing a network for your brand and find the space that is right for you?